First priority: Your physical health. (No health → no life.) Second priority: Reasonable financial security. (No food → no health.) Third priority: Good relationships with friends and family. (Depressed → no mental health.) After that you can do whatever. The game you’re playing doesn’t have any rules, and there’s no way to win. Source:

Design Patterns Part 3

June 2, 2020

Part 1, 2, 3 Proto Type It’s intent of the prototype pattern to specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance and create new objects by copying this prototype. Gang of Four the goal of the prototype pattern is to create an object based on another object. Sample Bridge the indent for the bridge pattern is to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently. Gang of Four…

Design Patterns Part 2

June 1, 2020

Part 1, 2, 3 Builder The Builder pattern as being used to separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations. Gang of Four it’s just a pattern that lets you separate and reuse a specific process to build something, like constructing an object. You’ll only want to do this when the construction process is complex. Otherwise, there’s really no need to do this and it’ll be an overkill.…

Design Patterns Part 1

May 25, 2020

There are three categories in design patterns: Creational Structural Behavioral. Creational patterns provide a way to make objects while hiding the creation logics, rather than instantiating objects directly. In short, they deal with object creation mechanisms.  Structural patterns are all about class and object composition. This design pattern tends to ease the design by identifying a simple way to realize relationships between entities. Behavioral patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects, that is, how objects communicate with each other.…

SOLID Principles

May 15, 2020

What is SOLID job Interface Segregation (ISP) The first of the solid design principles and perhaps the most useful is the interface segregation principle. The interface segregation principle says no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.A client should depend on the smallest set of interface features: the fewest method and attributes. The wrap vs. extend decision Object-oriented design always involves making the wrap versus extend…

Convert Design to Code

May 12, 2020

You can see some sample here from different oop languages: When we write the class for a spaceship in our video game, we’re creating the blueprint to build the spaceship. Now, the blueprint itself isn’t a usable object, but from that class, we can instantiate or create one or more instances of that type of spaceship object. And to do that, many object-oriented languages use the keyword new. In Java, we’d say Spaceship then the variable name myShip equals…

Object Oriented Design

May 12, 2020

After defining requirements and writing some use cases or user stories we start to transition from analysis, understanding the problem we’re trying to solve, to design, how we’re going to organize our solution. Identifying the objects To identify objects, we’ll go through all of our use cases and user stories and any other written requirements to pick out all of the nouns. – That’s one benefit of actually writing out all those descriptions. Identifying class relationships Once we have…

Use Case

May 11, 2020

After hashing out the feature focused requirements that say what the system or application must do, it’s time to shift focus towards the user and how they accomplish a particular goal, and one way to capture that is as a use case. There isn’t a single right way to write use cases, and they could be written at several levels of formality. But at the very least, a use case…

Software Requirements

May 11, 2020

The first step to any design process is to gather your requirements. Figure out what your application or product needs to do. What’s the problem you’re trying to solve? Why are you building the application in the first place? At the core what are the application’s functional requirements? To write the functional requirements, I use the phrase, the system must, or the application must, to describe what it must do.  I phrased the non-functional requirements to describe how the…